CrossFit Jacked…Coming Sep 2016! Mobile, AL

CrossFit Jacked…Coming Sep 2016! Mobile, AL

I’m proud to announce the opening of CrossFit Jacked (Mobile, AL) coming September 2016.

You may have noticed that it’s been a couple months since my last post on Jacked and Strong. Now you know why. I have been giving CrossFit Jacked my full attention in order for it to become a success for future athletes.

Why CrossFit Jacked?

10 Life Lessons: The Passing of Chris Moore (Barbell Shrugged)


I was shocked upon waking up to an email this morning from Barbell Shrugged to learn of the passing of Chris Moore.  A long-time member of the Barbell Shrugged podcast, Chris voice was so recognizable that I can still hear him telling me to live life with passion and follow your heart.

Chris was like a big brother.  Full of advice on how to live life and screw normal.  Be yourself and live in the moment.  These are the things I take away from Chris Moore’s life.  That, plus his luscious passion for good coffee.  

Be Relentless

If you want something bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it. That’s being relentless.

Relentless means to put your feelings ahead of others. Is it selfish? Only to those who don’t share the same mindset. If you’re relentless you’re not worried about others and their selfishness anyway. You have a mission and what someone else is doing doesn’t concern you.

11 Ways to Clean Up Your Act

People are disgusting.  Both men and women…disgusting.  It’s not that you have to be a clean-freak but you have to keep your house in order and I’m not just talking about the home you live in.  You have to clean up your act.

This involves more than tidying up.  We have germs.  Germs make you sick.  Germs spread and make other people sick.  Quit making other people sick with your nasty germs and sanitize yourself.

Squat-Butts & Blue Jeans

I hate shopping for clothes. Particularly, blue jeans. Nine times out of ten, shopping for blue jeans is a horrible experience for me. In fact, within the last 6 months I’ve been shopping for jeans twice. And twice, I’ve come home with nothing.

Buying jeans can be a complete time-waster. Besides the fact of having to go in the store and try each and every pair on, I suffer from SBS…


For those of you who aren’t familiar with SBS it goes like this. You go to the gym, get in the squat rack, put the bar on your back and start squatting.

Over time, as you do this more and more your glutes become well-developed. Big, round, rock-hard glutes. Also referred to as “squat-booty”.

Cheaters Never Win: 10 Ways to Deal With Deceivers of the WhiteBoard

“Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” – C.S. Lewis 

Sites like Wodify and BeyondtheWhiteBoard, allow gym-goers to compete with one another even if they’re not in the same class.  The ability to post your WOD time and understand how your fitness level compares to your peers is normally good and healthy competition.

That is, until someone attempts to ruin it.  That is, until you get that infectious disease.  This type of disease is deadly to the morale of a CrossFit box and spreads ill-will.

Dining Out? 10 Tips to Keep Your Gut In Check

Dining out, though not a necessity, has become a mainstay in today’s culture.  Whether it’s the experience of trying new food or the entertainment aspect of spending time with friends and family, restaurants are on every corner lined up waiting on you while you stuff your face.

I know healthy dining habits have been written on time and again.  Heck, even I’ve written on this once before.  However, it’s so important that it’s discussed another time, in another way, because of how much of an impact it plays on our lives in regards to what we eat and how we can keep the peace within our nutritional habits.

The Jacked & Strong Pull-Up Program

First off, there are a lot of different pull-up programs out.  It’s free information and the only difficulty you’ll have in starting a program is discovering the difficulty in picking out which program you are going to follow.  Below are a few links to give you an idea of what I am talking about.
